
Pibble: An AI-ASSIsted WEbscraper

Problem Statement

Labrador, a financial analytics company established in 1992, accesses two primary websites for their data. They had a pain point in the collection of data, as their existing process consisted of accessing each site and manually locating, copying, and sorting through data.


January 2018 - May 2018


In this project, I served as the Documentation Manager as well as a Software Engineer. I organized, edited, and submitted all related reports for this project and assisted in the development and testing of the extension.

Planned End Product

The beginning goals that were established included: scraping data, displaying the data, and exporting the data. Through further communications with the sponsor, it was negotiated that the deliverable would include a Google Chrome extension Labrador could use to access the necessary sites, implement a custom ruleset that would scrape the data necessary, and export this data in a .csv file format.


Home Screen

Scrape Labrador Data

Labrador Data Sets

Export/View Labrador Data

Dropdown Selection of Data Sets to Export